The Death of the Author Backerkit campaign ends today!
There are only a few hours left to back Death of the Author, my new solo tarot game about a Character fighting with their Author for narrative control of their story.
Not only have we funded, but we’ve hit ALL of our stretch goals! Extra funds raised will go towards printing more copies and providing more compensation to the entire team.
Here’s a trailer I made for the game (and had way too much fun with):
James has been hard at work on the layout for Death of the Author. Here’s sneak peak of his work in progress:
I also filmed a how-to-play video, which goes more in-depth about the mechanics and provides an example of play!
In addition, Death of the Author will include alternate rules/suggestions for:
A Two-Player Version: Play with two people, one playing the Character and the other playing the Author.
A Pre-Existing Character Version: Instead of creating a new Character, use a pre-existing one from another story. Explore the relationship between one of your Characters (from a TTRPG campaign, writing project, etc.) and their Author (you).
At the time I’m writing this, there are also still slots available at the Minor Arcana tier, which includes a random minor arcana card on which I’ll write prompt alternatives. Here’s an example of what this looked like for the Anamnesis campaign!
There have also been a bunch of reviews, actual plays, and interviews about Death of the Author, which can all be found on the Backerkit page.
One highlight is this actual play stream with Amanda McKnight and Kurt Refling, who played the entirety of Death of the Author. Their Author was producing a radio show, and the Character was the main antagonist!
Thanks for the support and helping spread the word! I cannot wait to share this game with everyone.
~ Sam Leigh